I will inspire you with stories of resilience and empower you to discover the power of your voice. I’ll remind you that healing is a precious gift we deserve to grant ourselves.

Lisa Sunshine- Speaker, Designer, Life Coach

Places I’ve Spoken

Lisa Sunshine

Life’s journey is intricate, woven with challenges and triumphs, shadows and sunbeams.

I am Lisa Sunshine. My story is one of resilience, rising from life’s fiercest storms with a spirit unbroken and a heart full of warmth. Drawing from deep wells of wisdom and experience, I’m here to guide, uplift, and empower you on your own path.


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Lisa automatically created an atmosphere of love, light, peace and safety when she came into the room where we were sitting. Lisa captivated us with her warm and beautiful smiles, unique and personally designed fashion, style, and one of a kind eyewear! Lisa Sunshine always let’s the “Son”shine through! Lisa knows the valuable lessons that are interwoven throughout her life’s journey. She was very intentional about highlighting the golden nuggets of wisdom and lessons learned. We not only learned about her story; we learned principles that brought clarity, and when applied to our lives will bring transformative, life-changing results! I felt a particularly strong connection with Lisa when she spoke about the loss of her son, as I have experienced the loss of my son. She expressed her pain but also encouraged me because she has turned her pain into purpose through The Blended Family Foundation, which she co-founded.

-Dr. T. Johnson

Lisa doesn't just "talk the talk", when she speaks, you can feel her love for healing is absolutely real. She could shout it from the roof tops, but Lisa instinctively knows that her most effective way of breaking down our walls is to use her quiet, calm voice and speak from her life experiences and her heart. This is the second time I've heard her speak. Both times I left with nuggets of wisdom and peace that I can use in my own life. I would love to have her speak at our event every year!

-C. Watkins